Spring health, allergies and energy
Are you on a path to better health this spring?
How is your energy these days? As I mentioned in my March newsletter, spring is a big time for change and can feel exciting. It can disrupt many of our body systems though, which can stop our best intentions right in our tracks.
Respiratory, digestive, and energy levels to name a few. Those allergens can make us feel pretty bad, as if we have a cold that drags on too long, slow digestion making us feel lethargic, sleep issues, skin problems, etc. Allergens invade our body and depending on how we have been eating, sleeping, and managing stress, these invaders can make it difficult to function well.
How can we address these health issues?
1. Seasonal acupuncture stimulates the immune system to withstand allergens and helps the body to heal itself.
2. Dietary changes to remove foods that slow us down and clog up our digestive system will help our body function more efficiently and improve our other systems, especially the respiratory system.
3. An overall health assessment is a great maintenance check up to see what changes can tune up the body and mind and bring it back to balance.
4. Qigong, a relaxing exercise in mindfulness, moving ones energy, and focusing on the breath helps to relieve stress, stay limber, and be present in the moment. I teach on zoom weekly and will be teaching in person this summer.
I am available for in office appointments ( I will be in this week and weekly going forward ) and for remote consultations so please reach out even to just discuss if your body could use a jump start before summer is upon us.
Feel free to email me to discuss any of these options. Health@donnabunte.com
Remember to smile. 🙂
Donna Bunte Whole Health
Donna Bunte MSOM, L.Ac.
203 253 9885